Personalized Nutrition

Many diet plans just give the dieter generic eating plans that don’t consider a person’s unique stats, exercise, and lifestyle factors. Or, they simply tell people to abstain from eating certain macro groups in order to inadvertently cut calories. The problem with this haphazard approach is that it never teaches a person how to eat in a way that’s right for his/her body and specific goals or eat in a way that is realistic in our modern society. A nutritional coach builds the program around you so everything is formulated for you the individual instead of a one size fits all approach.

Program Adjustments

A coach will be able to adjust things for the client as their body changes or as their goals change. A good nutritional coach monitors a client’s progress and makes program changes based on the solid data collected from the client. Changes are systematic and precise opposed to the guessing game packaged diets offer.


Accountability is one of the cornerstones of success and a coach holds the client accountable to following the prescribed plan he/she has designed for them. A coach will design a program that has a method of accountability that is clearly outlined so the client knows what to expect and when accountability checkpoints will take place.

Meal Planning

A certified nutritional coach will be able to assist the client in formulating healthy meal plans that not only meet their nutritional needs but also fuel their workouts properly. A good coach knows that less is not always best so they teach clients that a meal plan that promotes starvation isn’t a viable option for long-term success.